From August to September 29, Villa Benkemoun located in Arles ( South of France ) celebrates its 50th birthday with a major exhibition dedicated to the creation of the year 1974.

@ligensauze exhibits a model of Cassiopéia lighting specially designed for this event in 85cm.
This event during one month, includes conferences, guided tours by the exhibition curator, the young Raphaêl Giannesini, as well as the participation of Emile Sala’s granddaughter

The opportunity for Raphël Giannesini to present and argue his project to the public during the inaugural evening of August 31 in the company of Brigitte B. particularly filled with emotion for this exceptional anniversary.

Many thanks to Brigitte Benkemoun and her husband Thierry Demaizière for the organization.

My father Max Sauze created the large fireplace in 1974, with this Cassiopeia we ensure a temporal and family continuation.